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Friday, May 13, 2011

All in a Week's Time

Here in Minnesota we've gone from snow flurries to temps in the 80's and then back to rain and colder fifty degree temps again. Things in the gardens have really taken off with the warmer weather. Plants and trees now have tiny leaves. The daffodils continue to bloom, the rhododendrons are blooming, the star magnolia is leafing out after putting on it's flowery show and my favorite, magnolia "Ann'" is now beginning to bloom with is lovely pink flowers. I still have a couple of gardens to clean out- one is the large hillside garden that seems to sprout a mess of unwanted grass every spring. I did spend some time this week starting up my fountain and getting our pool filled up and running. I tried to finally fill the liner I had for a wine barrel I purchased last year. Unfortunately there's a leak somewhere. I have waited 2 years to use the cute little pump my husband gave me for a barrel water garden. First I couldn't find a barrel and then last year we were working on the house where the barrel will sit.
My favorite way to spend my time in the month of May is nursery hopping with my mom. For several weeks we hit several local garden centers. Mom has a state hort. society membership so she has discounts at several places. It seems every year we find some new and interesting plants we just have to try. I have most of the annuals bought but need to find a Chestnut crab and a Honeycrisp apple tree to replace the ones the rabbits destroyed this winter. I was so sad to discover the damage since I've had them for seven years already.
After a cold wet day tomorrow it looks like things will improve next week. I will be ready to start my container planting and think about the vegetable garden. I bought seeds but no plants yet. My second year asparagus are popping up. We are patiently waiting for the year we can begin to harvest our crop.

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