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Monday, August 15, 2011

August Bloom Day

Swallowtail on 'Fancy Feelings' Phlox

view from front steps-Hydrangea tree 'Pink Diamond' and Hydrangea 'Quickfire'

Coleus 'The Flume' filled out


Phlox 'Laura'

backdoor planter

Phlox in backyard


daylily 'Princton Silky'

Hydrangeas 'Little Lamb' and 'Pinky Winky'

hillside garden in backyard

Hydrangea 'Little Lamb'

Hydrangea 'Pinky Winky'

annual moss rose basket on deck

water hyacinth- first time it had blooms they were destroyed by storm before they opened


magic lily flowers-more on next post about these

another phlox

hyacinth bean-finally climbing up arbor and blooming

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