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Thursday, June 20, 2013


    So many blooms in the gardens now. Summer is really here. Hard to believe that at the beginning of the month things were just starting to fill in. Now the parade of blooms has begun and will continue until frost strikes this fall. For now I will enjoy the show.
    I also have containers planted and the vegetables are warming up with the sunshine's arrival and thinking about doing some serious growing. I am still busy trying to keep the rapidly growing grass and weeds from taking over too much but all in all things are looking good.
    Last week I spent another pleasant afternoon visiting a couple of our favorite nurseries with my gardening angel, my mom. I cherish the days when she can go with me as she has slowed down a lot since turning eighty last fall. She still supports my gardening passion and I don't know what I will do without here someday when she's no longer around to share this with me.

Peony time! 'Kansas

two similar(if not the same) bushes together in the veggie garden

unnamed variety that came with our home 33 years ago-the oldest  plant in our yard I think

A banner year for the honeysuckles on the back fence. Never had
this many flowers ever!


Ninebark 'Diablo' also with an abundance of flowers

Baptisia 'Twilite Prairie Blues'
'Starlite Prairie Blues' below

'Alan Bloom' hardy geranium
Iris that also came with our house many years ago

Penstemons and 'Biokova' geranium

'Java Red' Wegeila

Thalictrum, cushion primrose and tiny coral bells

'Tinkerbelle' Lilac

My favorite 'William Baffin' beginning to bloom

'Dance Ballerina Dance'

An indoor bloomer, a Streptocarpus in my garden window in the kitchen
Realized I hadn't posted these great spring blooms yet either.
Bleeding heart
tiny cushion primrose
'Beauty of Moscow' Lilac
'Sensation' Lilac

'Dappled Dawn', a variegated Lilac with great double flowers

1 comment:

  1. I think Trumpet Honeysuckle is my favorite vine. Yours looks very happy! It will soon cover a lot more of your fence. You have a great collection of blooms!
