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Monday, July 16, 2012

GBBD- July Blooms

A little late but here's my July Blooms. Yesterday I was baking at the ballpark watching our home team, the Minnesota Twins, struggle through another tough loss. Today I was busy taking some updated photos and doing quite a bit of watering. We have a private well here so we are not under any restrictions. I do try to limit watering to the gardens that really need it but once a week or so I give the lawns a drink along with some younger trees and shrubs. I will be picking some beans this week it looks like. I have several tomatoes but they are still green on the vines. My cucumbers are finally coming along. I should have used some new seeds instead of last year's leftovers. Thanks to May Dreams Gardens for hosting bloom day.
not blooms but second set of robins ready to leave the nest(this was last week-empty nest now)

tiny coneflower 'Prairie Frost'- the first ime it has bloomed

Hydrangea 'Tardiva'

Hydrangea 'Quickfire'

'William Baffin' Rose still blooming

Hydrangea 'Little Lamb'

Hydrangea 'Pinky Winky'- silly name for beautiful flowers

Rudbeckia 'Cherokee Sunset'

Rose 'Lady Elsie May'

flowers of Hens and Chicks 

Hydrangea 'Invicibelle Spirit' and not so impressive 'Endless Summer' non bloomer(was beautiful for the first two or three years I had it, then it stopped)


Fuchsia 'Paula Jane'- my favorite and a great bloomer all summer

baby's breath in fairy dish garden


  1. Wow - you have so much in flower. I love your daylilies and phlox, and the rudbeckia is a wonderful colour.

  2. Lovely blooms...and I was late for Bloom Day too ;-) Is that 'Prairie Frost' Echinacea really variegated??? I had no idea they had variegated forms!

    1. Yes it is. I have had this for several years but it is still quite small. I also have a variety called 'Sparkler' that has some spots or streaks on the leaves.
