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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May Bloom Day

Tree Peony-about four years old, second time blooming with one flower



Not exactly blooms but love these birds that congregated at the feeders one afternoon last week-they do add color to the garden

Not a bloom either but my mother's day gift from my son-an  airplant  in a sphere

Tiny primrose flowers in clay planter that sits outside year around

Veronica G. Varigatum


Polemonium 'Stairway to Heaven' 

Violet 'Freckles'


a few new things from my mom

a few more new additions

Alpine Aster in dish garden

Lilac 'Tinkerbelle'


Phlox 'Redwing' (and grass that needs removing)

Weigela 'Java Red'

blue woodland phlox

Weigelas going up back side of garage

Dish garden with alpine aster and baby's breath
When I went outside tonight to water a few things I discovered a couple more blooms to share. This is  an ornamental strawberry 'Pink Panda'

Baptisia 'Starlite Prairie Blues'

Baptisia 'Starlite Prairie Blues'
I am disappointed to say I'm still holding(see previous post) but this is where I am. Despite my lack of care things still continue to grow and bloom. It has been so nice outside too that it's killing me not to be out in the gardens where there's so much to be done. No word back from the Dr. on test last week so I continue to wait. My mom has bought me some annuals and a couple of hanging baskets. now I need to be strong enough to get out and plant them. I hope everyone is enjoying their May gardens!

1 comment:

  1. Happy GBBD. Your flowers are fantastic and I hope you are feeling better soon.
