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Monday, June 15, 2015

June Bloom Day

    It's been so long since I've posted. We had a busy fall with a son getting married and having a destination wedding in a hollow outside of Nashville, TN. The winter months are always busy with working at school. It was nice to have some of my tropical that I winter over in the house bloom during the coldest part of the year. I am so happy that summer is here, school is out and I can be in the garden whenever I want. We've had a spring with quite a bit of rain on a regular basis so things took off growing well. Here are some of what's blooming in my garden:
Not a bloom but my special Mother's day announcement gift from my son and his wife. I will be a first time grandma this December!

'William Baffin', my favorite rose

'Bloomstruck' hydrangea(one of the Endless Summer series). Made it through it's first winter and came up with many blooms coming. Yay!

'Rosa Mundi'

one of 4 honeysuckles on the back fence, not sure of all the names but blooming well this year

closeup, the hummingbirds love my honeysuckles

'Diablo' ninebark

'Twilite Prairie Blues' baptisia


Not quite blooming but milkweed for the monarchs. I have seen a couple so far this season

'William Baffin' rose

'Biokova' hardy geranium

'Alan Bloom' hardy geranium

One of the first gallardias of the year

Only blooming peony. Others started to form buds early in the spring but they seemed to just dry up. Did this happen to anyone else? They have bloomed other years so not a planting too deep issue.

Common milkweed left to grow for monarchs. Local TV station promoting milkweed for monarchs.

First martagon lily flower

More flowers each year. Today three more are open.

Wisteria 'Blue Moon' After having only a couple of bunches of flowers last year it went all out and produced over a dozen this year. Didn't know they have such a strong fragrance until I had this many blooms.

Easier to see in person but loving this.

'Hansa' rugosa rose


One of many Jack in the Pulpits. Almost done blooming

I also have many annual containers planted and blooming but will save those for another day. Thanks to May Dream Gardens for hosting Bloom Day.

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