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Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring has Sprung!

Forsythia in full bloom over a month early!

'Pink Frost' Hellebores which spent the winter in the garage as it's  a zone 5  variety

Autumn fern that I stashed in garage over winter

pot of mini hostas also stored in garage-doesn't look like much now but happy there's signs of green  there

pasque flowers showing color amidst dried foliage leftovers

the bad! must do something this year about underground vermin! enough is enough! any suggestions?

new Bloomering lilac that was planted last fall

gardens before cleaning

front yard before cleaning

Star magnolia-earliest ever blooming- about a month or more early

first blossom of Star magnolia

Magnolia 'Ann'

bud of Magnolia 'Ann'

Dappled Willow next to pool

first crocus spotted among the leaves

dish garden coming to life again after winter storage in deck box under deck
Spring seems to have come suddenly and very early this year after our very wimpy winter. This is the earliest month that spring blossoms have opened in my gardens. I really enjoy the flowering shrubs of spring that I have planted the past few years. It's so great to see color in the garden after our long winters here in Minnesota. I'm not sure if we'll see more white stuff in the next month or so but we're enjoying our early spring and all that comes with it. With this warmth I feel like I really need to get out and start working on things but the experts are saying to wait a bit before we get too carried away with the yard and garden work. There will be plenty to do soon enough so I think I'll just enjoy the unfolding colors popping up for awhile. Hope you're enjoying spring in your gardens too!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I hope you don't mind if I follow your blog-I get excited when I find another person in a similar zone to me :) Can you believe this year?? Weird temps for sure! Anyhow-- I look forward to watching your garden bloom this year. Happy Spring!! :)
