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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Blooms This Week and a few Random Thoughts

Dianthus  'Spooky'

unnamed pink lily that my mom bought and gave me about 2 or 3 years ago

white Astilbe

one of the many daylilies that came from her gardens 30 years ago- first to bloom every  year

east side of house- oldest garden in yard

Lily 'Cappuccino'

bagged Honeycrisp apple

bagged apples

Veronica 'Red Fox'- new late last year

2 year old Hosta 'Dream Weaver'

Lily 'Lollypop'

Lily 'Denia' hiding

Hill starting to get some color

Poppy Mallow- Winecups

Rose 'Fushcia Meidiland'

Rose 'Fiesta'

tiny rose 'Pink Gnome'

one of many unnamed pink lilies I add to gardens every spring at Eastertime

Lily 'Pink Pixie'

Mr and Mrs Robin busy taking care of their two babies
I haven't made it outside for a few days to take pictures of new blooms. It's been either too wet, too windy or too hot. I finally bagged some of the apples and even with the storm we had last night most of the bags are still in place. I haven't done much weeding lately so will be heading out to the gardens this weekend to catch up. I have a few half price Linders garden mart closeouts to plant. Had an impromptu pool party yesterday with some of my son in law's relatives who were visiting from Ohio. It kept us cool in the upper nineties heat we had here for a couple of days.
The vegetable garden is doing okay other than needing weeding desperately. My separate squash and pumpkin patch is growing well. Tomatoes seem to be slow growing this year with the cool temps. Hopefully the warmer days will help them to do a little more. The first pepper is about ready to pick and enjoy and the second one growing too.
I like this time of year when I can enjoy the benefits of all the work done earlier with planting and weeding and such. The daylilies and other perennials are budding so we will soon have more blooms to enjoy. It's quite peaceful in our backyard during the daytime when neighbors are at work. I like to sit on the swing or on the deck chair and be still and just listen to the birds and the fountain.I love to take in the beauty of it all that the good Lord created for us.

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