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Monday, September 15, 2014

September Bloom Day

Another Bloom Day. Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting. This will rather brief this month. Mainly because the gardens are winding down and I'm busy being back at work for another school year. Here's a few of the blooms in my garden this month:
I love this 'Little Lamb" Hydrangea. This phone camera picture really doesn't show the beautiful pink shades in the flowers. It's more intense in person.

Hydrangea 'Pinky Winky'

'Little Lamb' and 'Pinky Winky'

'Little Lamb' so full of luscious blooms this year!

A very late bloomer. This water hyacinth finally decided to bloom last week and I almost didn't notice it until it was already starting to fade.

Sedum 'Autumn Joy' Star of the season and a bee magnet

Star hydrangea I found at a local store a couple of years ago at the end of the season.

Toad Lily just beginning to bloom

full of buds

larger plant full too

Fall blooming Anemone- bought earlier this year to replace another that died

Friday, August 15, 2014

August Bloom Day

Wow, it's August 15th! I'm still waiting for the summer heat. I guess the gardens have enjoyed the milder temps but it has kept the pool water quite cool for swimming. I haven't spent much time in the gardens since having some sinus surgery last week. It was hard turning over the watering chores to someone who doesn't know what plants are thirsty all the time and which ones can take less. Most survived but a couple did not. It's still nice to view all the color from inside. I have some deadheading to catch up on next week.
Thanks again to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting. Many blooms to share and many that came and went this past month-most of the daylilies and others.
It's hydrangea time! Invincibelle Spirit has already turned from a brighter pink to soft shades tinged with green

William Baffin has not stopped blooming since June! He's my favorite!

It's also prime phlox time. This is Laura.

Endless Summer Bloom Struck hydrangea. New this year. Hopefully it will survive winter and bloom again

Phlox and Rogucchi

Hydrangeas Little Lamb and Pinky Winky

Coneflowers forever! This area is a haven for butterflies, bees, dragonflies and hummingbirds.

In honor of his birth month here is proof  'Elvis Lives'!

Miss Susie- look at the red.

variegated Society Garlic-winters in the basement

Cha ching Cherry petunia

Lone white coneflower

white tuberous begonia

Pink begonia-both winter in the basement

first sedum to show some color

Fall anemone

Hydrangea Tardiva

Hydrangea Quickfire and Pink Diamond in background-slower to flower this year with smaller flowers

Heuchera Brownie

Joe Pye Weed growing stronger every year
 While working in the gardens just happened to see this butterfly not moving. Looking closer I saw the empty chrysalis and realized it still had wet wings and was brand new. A reminder of God's miracle of change.

Lastly, some harvest from the vegetable garden this week

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful summer!


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July Bloom Day

It's garden bloggers bloom day. Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting. I missed the June bloom day but went out today and took many pictures of the gardens. We received another heavy rain last night so some things don't look as fresh as they could. It's also a transition time where flowers like the lilies are about finished while the day lilies, coneflowers and hydrangeas are just getting started with their show. We have had a lot of rain this summer so total garden watering has been minimal. It's also another cooler summer so my heat loving veggies have not taken off very quickly again this year but still an improvement over last year. Here's what's blooming today. Warning-photo overload, too much prettiness to stop with just a few. (and ignore the weeds please)

My timber steps on the eat side of the house.

Hydrangea 'Invicibelle Sprirt'- one of my favorites and right outside the back door

calla lily

Coneflower hybrid that is doing well this year

Rudbeckia 'Cherokee Sunset' all from two plants that were exactly the same when I planted them. Self seed in this garden

Liatris 'Kobold'

The tumble hill garden behind the garage.

Rose 'Lady Elsie May'

Self seeded milkweed- the butterflies have arrived and are enjoying this


Bush cucumber blossoms

and green beans too

Honeysuckle 'Pink Lemonade'

a new Heuchera

Lone flower on 'Twist n Shout' hydrangea

'Little Lamb' Hydrangea-another favorite and great bloomer

'Cancun' Lily

The daylily parade begins

not a daylily either but lily 'Peach Pixie'

not a daylily but Lily 'Cappucino'

with blue delphiniums

Crazytunia 'Terra cotta'-I love any flowers that are terracotta colored



Surprisingly these pansies just keep on blooming.
Hydrangea 'Quickfire'- soon they will begin turning lovely shades of pink