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Sunday, April 15, 2012

April Bloom Day

I know it's not pretty but this is the result of three freezing nights just as my lovely 'Ann' Magnolia blossoms were opening. Usually this isn't blooming until mid May.

Frost touched Star Magnolia flower

Pasque flowers

Grape hyacinth

Hellebore 'Pink Frost'
 Not a lot to share but also check out past posts for more blooms. Growing here in Minnesota is about a month early compared to the past couple of years. It's been interesting to compare the dates on my photos and compare how far along things are now.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Rhododendron 'PJM'

Grape Muscari

ornamental Cherry blossoms

Red Maple 

early Bleeding Hearts

Tree Peony with flower bud

Pasque flower

blue Siberian Squills
After an unusually warm spring we are experiencing a couple of freezing nights. I'm hoping and praying that all the unopened blossoms that are on the flowering shrubs and trees will still be okay. There's also a lot of tender new shoots on many perennials that I hope don't freeze away to nothing. At least it's early in the growing season so the plants should continue to grow after this chilly setback.