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Thursday, August 16, 2012

August Blooms

Hydrangeas from left to right- Tardiva, Quickfire and Pink Diamond(tree form)

Perennial Hibiscus


Aureole and Natural Feelings Phlox

blue Delphinium

Phlox Laura

William Baffin Rose still producing blooms here and there

self seeded Gailardias of varying shades

Pinky Winky and Little Lamb Hydrangeas getting more pink 

Hillside with mostly coneflowers in bloom

Cucumbers finally producing after a slow start from old seeds

tomatoes have been mostly branches with few leaves but are producing several fruits now. Enough romas to make some fresh salsa with now,
Hard to believe it's mid August already! In a couple of short weeks I will be heading back to work at my school after an extended medical leave during which I missed the end of the last school year. I have had more time to be in the gardens but it was a very warm summer here so I tried not to work too hard in the heat. It has really cooled off here in August. Nice for gardening but too cold to take a dip in the pool. The cooler weather also helps with not having to water as much.

Monday, July 16, 2012

GBBD- July Blooms

A little late but here's my July Blooms. Yesterday I was baking at the ballpark watching our home team, the Minnesota Twins, struggle through another tough loss. Today I was busy taking some updated photos and doing quite a bit of watering. We have a private well here so we are not under any restrictions. I do try to limit watering to the gardens that really need it but once a week or so I give the lawns a drink along with some younger trees and shrubs. I will be picking some beans this week it looks like. I have several tomatoes but they are still green on the vines. My cucumbers are finally coming along. I should have used some new seeds instead of last year's leftovers. Thanks to May Dreams Gardens for hosting bloom day.
not blooms but second set of robins ready to leave the nest(this was last week-empty nest now)

tiny coneflower 'Prairie Frost'- the first ime it has bloomed

Hydrangea 'Tardiva'

Hydrangea 'Quickfire'

'William Baffin' Rose still blooming

Hydrangea 'Little Lamb'

Hydrangea 'Pinky Winky'- silly name for beautiful flowers

Rudbeckia 'Cherokee Sunset'

Rose 'Lady Elsie May'

flowers of Hens and Chicks 

Hydrangea 'Invicibelle Spirit' and not so impressive 'Endless Summer' non bloomer(was beautiful for the first two or three years I had it, then it stopped)


Fuchsia 'Paula Jane'- my favorite and a great bloomer all summer

baby's breath in fairy dish garden

Friday, July 6, 2012


Summer is in full swing with the hottest week of the year and record setting Fourth of July temps over 100 degrees. I've managed to keep things well hydrated with just a little help from a nice summer night rain storm.  We have also spent time in the pool keeping cool every day this week. It's so relaxing just floating on the water and watching all the birds flying around the yard. Mr and Mrs Robin are working hard to keep their second set of children this year well fed. It won't be long until they're empty nesters again.
Instead of a lot of individual flowers I thought I'd do a kind of tour of the yard this time. One surprise I found the other day was a beautiful lone magnolia blossom. The magnolias are forming their buds for next year right now but I was surprised to see a fully formed flower open. Enjoying it because the spring buds all froze just as they were opening this spring.
Hope everyone is keeping cool and enjoying the summer in the gardens.
Magnolia 'Ann'

front yard

coming from the driveway

view from the front step

what I'm missing most this year is many of my mature pink lilies that were eaten up by the underground critters over the mild winter. I lost five or six beautiful clumps in my gardens although some are coming back from tiny leaves.

east side of house- this has been here since 1980 when my husband and a landscaper friend of ours built this for me. a  lot of the plants have changed but the daylilies have been there since day one

backyard as you come in gate or out the backdoor

garden with 'William Baffin' rose-he's my favorite! (facing east here)

looking south towards pool from backdoor, stairs to deck

the deck

hosta garden next to pool-we did not plan on pool when we planted this tree many years ago, too bad it blocks the afternoon sun which keeps water on the cool side(okay when it's really hot) those darn critters also ate some of the hosta roots in this garden so some are rather small this year

back of house- magnolia trio

under the deck

hillside tumble garden

fenceline daylilies

southwest corner of yard

backside of pool with grasses

west side of backyard

pool side
veggie garden that needs weeding!(it's been too hot)  the vegetables aren't doing as well this year although the beans are full of flowers. the peppers and tomatoes just seem to be sitting there-not sure what they're waiting for

view from west side of fence
west side of garage

Our circle around the house is done. Hope you liked the tour.