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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blooms This Week

Peony 'Kansas'

Rose 'Fiesta'

new Peony 'Sorbet'

new planter for daughter's home- she picked the flowers on one of our shopping trips with grandma

Peony 'Nick Shaylor'

planter by back door- added 'Papaya' petunia and more orange diascia when first ones didn't make it this spring

daughter's blue planter- it has been delivered to her townhome

what's not blooming- yard full of branches to pick up after stormy week


Gaillardia growing in rocks on timber steps

another self seeded patch of Gaillardia-a variety of color and forms all from a few starter plants

Phlox 'Spring Delight' and Heuchera 'Hercules' 

Penstemon 'Dark Towers'

Rose 'Henry Kelsey'

Rose 'Hansa'

Calla Lilies-kept in pots over the winter in basement to grow again in the spring

unnamed small Dahlia

Petunia 'Pretty Much Picasso' - this one doing better than ones I tried last year

Heuchera flowers growing up through Ninebark 'Centerglow'

Heuchera 'Rave On' and Ninebark
After working so hard last week and because of stormy weather I haven't done much outside this week. I still have some things to do when the sun comes back out. First priority is getting the new apple trees planted before they get blown over again.
 Next is another apple related task-bagging the apples not yet touched by bugs to keep them bug free. Others swear by this method. I was going to try it last year but was too late. This year it looks like there are still several good young fruits. My damaged trees are still doing okay so I'm going to bag the apples and let them keep growing. By bagging apples I mean you put ziploc bags over the young fruit, cut a small hole in bottom for drainage and let them mature bug free without pesticides. Have resisted spraying my apple trees but would like to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
My vegetable garden is asking to be weeded again also. I can say I am done planting now that I finished daughter's planter but never said done completely when there's a lot of summer left and there's end of the season sales to come. I always end up with a few more things as time goes on. I still have bags of mulch to add to hillside garden soon.
In this summer that seems will never come even when the calendar says it's here, we have only swam in our pool 2 days(when we had 100 degree plus temps). The husband ordered some solar sun rings to replace our heavy old solar blanket which fell apart by the end of last year. They're big round rings that are slightly inflated and have magnets to keep them together in water but come apart easily for removal. Hopefully they will work well to help increase the water temp so it's comfortable for swimming. I like looking at the clear blue water even in the cold but would like to enjoy it from the inside. The weather people keep promising warmer days but it's only 59 degrees outside right now on the second day of summer(and raining again).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This Week's Blooms

Blue Moon Wisteria

visitor on Centerglow Ninebark

cojoined Gaillardia twins

fuzzy buds of Cappuccino Lily

Geranium Tiny Monster

full of buds

William Baffin rose in full bloom and after serious trimming

Peony Kansas

Pavement Foxii rose

Peony Sarah Bernhardt

veggie garden

Diablo Ninebark

Morden Sunrise rose

corner of backyard

what the tortoise and the hare do when not racing

another competitive event

surprise first pepper of the season on Carmen sweet pepper 


Geranium Alan Bloom- a great bloomer most of the summer

Monday, June 13, 2011

To Do- Done

It was a glorious day for working outside. A nice breeze for cooling and to keep any pesky insects away and just right temperature. I started with mowing the backyard and trimming around things after Bruce used the rider yesterday to do the rest of the yard(we have an acre here).
After lunch I tackled cutting out dead canes on my "William Baffin" rose. I finally used the new pruning saw Bruce bought me at Lowes a couple of weeks ago. It's quite lethal looking but does the job. It also has an extension handle for trimming higher tree branches. I did accidentally cut off one branch that was not dead. It's hard to tell when you're working at the base of the rose and the leafy parts are up above.
After the rose, I moved on to finding the honeysuckle vines by the back fence that were buried in grass and old dead growth. I was surprised to find that all four plants are still there. One has spread and one is so tiny I had to mark it so it won't get mowed over in the near future. I'm not sure if it's the dogs or the neighbors weed killer in the fall that causes them to die back so much but I hope they take off now and continue growing. I do not have invasive varieties so I hope the neighbors are not trying to kill them.
When trimming back my non blooming wisteria that likes to wind itself around the deck rails, I discovered a new bird nest. Not sure who's living there but I was wondering why twigs and bits of our shredded boat tarp were ending up in my fountain(which is right below where the nest is resting on the top of the arbor).
After all the trimming I planted the new peonies and replacement tomato plant in the vegetable garden. I also potted up the impatiens finally and tucked the extras into a few garden spots. I had a couple of new perennials to plant. I made a shade hanging basket with a couple of Paula Jane fuchsias, a coleus and a impatien with a dark eye to put by the front door. I added some new annuals to some containers that needed replacements for plants that didn't make it earlier this spring. It's much easier to take care of things when they're in pots or in the ground and have more room to grow.
I hope to weed the flower gardens- I did the vegetable garden today, tomorrow, and to fertilize some reluctant bloomers like my Endless Summer hydrangeas. Still have my apple trees to plant. Not ready to dig up old trees until they actually die(girdled bark-winter rabbit damage). I think I will plant new ones and leave old ones in place for now. The weather is supposed to cooperate tomorrow. I'm trying to get things done will I'm off this week before summer school starts next week.

Friday, June 10, 2011

This Week in Pictures

stepping out of my front door

filling in on front of house

other side of front garden

barrel water garden with new liner

oldest perennial in my gardens-a beautiful peony that came with our house  31 years ago

geranium "Biokova" and blue penstemons

another "old" plant that was here when we moved in, only blooms  sporatically

Gallardia "Commotion Tizzy"

Coleus "The Flume" I have to have one of these every year

Quickfire Hydrangea really is a fast starter- already full of buds

Fuchsia "Paula Jane"- beautiful two tone pink flowers

A bit of whimsy- a kid watering can bunny

waiting to be planted

new peony "Felix Supreme" from Linders

One of first blooms on "William Baffin" rose

Siberian Iris- supposed to be "Pink Haze" but not very pink

Siberian Iris "Dance Ballerina Dance"

Impatiens growing impatient to be planted

"Limon Blush" coleus- love the coloring developing