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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December in the Garden

The front walk with the holy family


Dried blossoms of asters

Bare front yard

Still a star- Little Bluestem grass- my favorite

brown backyard with amazing blue sky

new half price addition to add some color

I love real fir trees. This first one is mine, the second is my sister in law's,and the last one is my son's. You don't see too many tinsel covered trees anymore.

I haven't blogged much this winter. Instead of being almost January the weather has felt more like October or November. After our neverending snow last year we've only managed to get a little over eight inches so far this winter season. It's very brown outside but bright and sunny with the most beautiful blue sky. I am enjoying the week of winter break from school. Today is the first day I've been home by myself. It's nice to get some odds and ends done around here. I need to venture back into my scraproom today and finish up some overdue Christmas cards.
Happy New Year to All!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

First Snow

Today's view from the front door

snowy pumpkins

Fall flower heads on 'Quickfire' Hydrangea

pots to winter over  in garage

Bronzy purple leaves on Penstemon 'Dark Towers'

Rhododendron leaves curled up for a long winter's nap

Inside, last year's pointsettia turning red again for Christmas without any help from me

tiny buds are beginning to form on Christmas cactuses in kitchen  garden window

deer planter

'The Blues' Little Bluestem grass- love the soft seed heads even if it is a bit floppy

Hillside garden in backyard

'Little Lamb' Hydrangea
We officially had our first measurable snowfall of the season yesterday. Today we have bright sunshine and cold temps. I stepped out of the warm wood heated lower level of our home to snap a few pictures before the snow melts into the dry ground this week as temps rise again before Thanksgiving. Starting to enjoy the respite from gardening chores after getting the pool covered for winter and all the other fall garden tasks(almost-still need to fence around tiny apple trees to protect from hungry bunnies). There is still a lot action on and under the bird feeders, including a neighborhood pheasant who comes to dine. He was right on the front sidewalk a couple of days ago but the dog scared him away before I could grab my camera. Darn. He's a handsome fellow.
I will soon be busy decorating for my favorite time of the year. Hope everyone has a blessed holiday season. Enjoy this most wonderful time of the year!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October Bloom Day

Tricyrtis Hirta

Tuberous Begonia

Woods Pink Aster

Turtlehead 'Hot Lips'

Sedum 'Autumn Delight'

variegated Obedient plant

Rudbeckia 'Cherokee Sunset'

Rudbeckia 'Cherokee Sunset'

Rose 'Lady Elsie May'

Calico Aster

'Blue Heaven' Little Bluestem and 'Prairie Sky' Switchgrass

Fall is finally here. A bittersweet time of fading blooms but rich colors and crisp cool air. I have lots of prewinter prep to do before the snow comes but a lot of things are still blooming after getting protection from earlier frosts. After days of warm temps in the seventies and even eighties I think the cooler temps are here to stay.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September Bloom Day

Butternut squash

the vine that took over the yard!

pumpkin in hiding

small acorn squash

hanging basket

tuberous begonia that I keep and grow every year

white tuberous begonia

white begonia in tree- it takes until August for them to start blooming well although this one has bloomed nearly all summer

some squash harvested before frosty night yesterday

Autumn Joy sedums


Toad lily-I like these tiny orchid looking flowers

berries of the Jack in the Pulpit

Eupatorium 'Juncius'

another view

Anemone going strong

annual salvia that's bloomed all summer

Summer Blues Delphinium

fall view of east side

view of hillside in need of some weeding

Fiesta rose poking through little bluestem grass(which has flopped over this year)

Pink Lemonade honeysuckle
 Not much time for the gardens these days since being back at work in my school. By the time I get home there's just enough time to do some watering before dark. I've been doing a lot of that these days since we haven't had much rain in at least a couple of weeks. We had our first frost here already last night. About three weeks earlier than normal. I'm still trying to enjoy the gardens but am tired of watering so often. The butterflies are mostly gone now but I've enjoyed the hummers at my feeder the last couple of weeks as they ready for their trip to warmer climates.
 It wasn't a great year for tomatoes but the squash went to town. My apple bagging attempt had mixed results. There were a few good apples but I found a few good ones that weren't bagged also. The bags also held a lot of moisture even with the holes cut in the bottom for drainage. There were lots of apples on the trees but only a few edible ones. Even so there's something about eating an apple you've grown yourself.
 I always have mixed feelings about the gardens this time of year. There's some sadness because the beauty will soon be gone and buried in white but also a sense of relief from all the work that this passion entails for a few months out of the year.